Described below are the general terms and conditions and privacy policies that apply to access and use of the services offered by PRODUCTOS LIFE, known as “Omnilife Independent Mercantile Distributor”, through the website https://us.productoslife .com/.

Any person who wishes to access, subscribe to or use the site or services will be subject to these general terms and conditions, privacy policies and other policies and principles that govern the site

The Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies contained in this instrument will apply and will be understood as an integral part of all acts and contracts that are executed or celebrated through the offer and marketing systems included in this site between users and LIFE PRODUCTS. hereinafter, “and PRODUCTOS LIFE” or “the Company”, interchangeably), and by any of the other companies or companies that are subsidiaries or linked to it, and that make use of this site, which will be referred to hereinafter. also interchangeably as the “Companies”, or the “Supplier” or the “Supplier Company”, as appropriate to the meaning of the text.


The User must read, understand and accept all the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Policies of PRODUCTOS LIFE as well as in the other documents incorporated therein by reference, prior to the acquisition of products and/or delivery. of any data for any purpose.

If the user uses LIFE PRODUCTS, this will imply full acceptance of the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and the Company’s Policies. By said use of the site and/or its services, the User will be obliged to expressly comply with them, and may not claim ignorance of such General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.


The Services are only available to natural or legal persons who have the capacity to contract or purchase. People who do not have that capacity and minors will not be able to use the services. The acts that they carry out on this site will be the responsibility of their parents, guardians, guardians or curators, and therefore will be considered carried out by them in the exercise of the legal representation that they have. Whoever registers a User as a company must have the capacity to contract on behalf of such entity and to bind it under the terms of this Agreement.


PRODUCTOS LIFE may modify the General Terms and Conditions at any time, making the modified terms public. All modified terms will come into effect 10 (ten) days after publication. Within 5 (five) days following the publication of the modifications introduced, the User must communicate by e-mail ( if they do not accept them; In that case the contractual relationship will be dissolved and you will be disqualified as a Member. Once this period has expired, the User will be considered to accept the new terms and the contract will continue to bind both parties.


In the contracts offered through the Site, the steps that must be followed to celebrate them will be informed in an unequivocal and easily accessible manner, and will inform, when applicable, if the electronic document in which the contract is formalized will be archived and if it will be accessible to the user. customer.

The mere fact of following the steps indicated for such purposes on this site to make a purchase is equivalent to accepting that LIFE PRODUCTS has effectively complied with the conditions contained in this section. It will also indicate its postal or email address and the technical means available to the Member to identify and correct errors in the shipment or in its data.


The products and services offered on the Site, unless a different way is indicated for particular cases or offers of certain goods or services, can only be paid with the means that are specifically indicated in each case. As a general rule, payment will be made through cash on delivery payments or payments with a debit-credit card with the company contracted for this purpose, EPAYCO-DAVIVIENDA, with their respective usage policies and active means of payment. If paid by check, the product will not be shipped until the moment it is verified. On the Site you may indicate certain purchase conditions depending on the payment method used by the user.


Offers of goods and services will be made through the Website, which may be approved through acceptance, electronically, and using the mechanisms that the Site itself offers for this. Any acceptance of an offer will be subject to the condition precedent that the transaction be validated, and in general, to the provisions of Chapter Three of the Commercial Code.

Consequently, for any operation carried out on this Site, confirmation and/or validation or verification by PRODUCTOS LIFE will be a requirement for the formation of consent. To validate the transaction, LIFE PRODUCTS must verify: a) That it validates and accepts the payment method offered by the user, b) That the data registered by the client on the site coincides with those provided when accepting the offer, c) That The payment is credited by the User.

To inform the User or consumer about this validation, the Offering Company must send a written confirmation to the same electronic address that the User accepting the offer has registered, or by any means of communication that guarantees due and timely knowledge of the consumer. or by effectively shipping the product.

Consent will be deemed to have been formed from the moment this written confirmation is sent to the User and in the place where it was issued. The offer made by the User is irrevocable except in exceptional circumstances, such as that LIFE PRODUCTS substantially changes the description of the item after an offer is made, or there is a clear typographical error.

Legal Notice: The sale and dispatch of products is conditioned on their availability and product stocks. When the product is not available, LIFE PRODUCTS will immediately notify the customer and return the full value of the price paid.


The validity period of the offer is that which coincides with the validity date indicated in the promotion or by virtue of the exhaustion of the quantities of available products duly informed to the User, or while the offer remains available, whichever is the shorter of these periods. Whenever a promotion does not indicate an end date, it will be understood that the activity will continue until the corresponding inventories are depleted.

The prices of the products offered on the Site are expressed in American Dollars unless otherwise stated. The prices offered correspond exclusively to the value of the good offered and do not include transportation, handling, shipping, accessories that are not expressly described or any other additional item.

Additionally, it is possible that a number of products may be incorrectly priced. If there is a typographical error in any of the product prices, if the correct price of the item is higher than that stated on the page, at our discretion, LIFE PRODUCTS will contact you before the product is shipped, and/or We will cancel the order and notify you of the cancellation.


Products purchased through the Site will be subject to the conditions of dispatch and available delivery. The information on the shipping location is the exclusive responsibility of the User. The deadlines chosen for dispatch and delivery are counted from when PRODUCTOS LIFE has validated the purchase order and the payment method used, and are considered business days for compliance with said deadline. Likewise, if the payment method is a check, the product will not be shipped until the validity of the check is verified. Orders will be delivered five (5) business days after payment is verified.

PRODUCTOS LIFE will communicate the data to Users by email so that they can track the status of the shipment online.

If the User is absent when visited to leave the order and no one receives it at the place of residence, a notice will be left indicating the time of the visit. The shipment will be refunded to PRODUCTOS LIFE. The User must contact us via Whatsapp: 3185846074 or email:, to coordinate a new delivery, the cost of which will be solely and exclusively borne by the User.

Shipping for purchases, as a general rule, will be USD $7 for the United States, the rate of the company contracted for this purpose will be applied.

Legal Notice: The products displayed on are delivered as they appear on the site, therefore, personalization of the good is NOT included.


In the event that the customer receives a product with different characteristics than what is described on the page at the time of purchase, the following procedure must be carried out in order to verify the validity of the claim.

The customer must make the withdrawal request by email to within the next 5 business days after receiving the product.

The customer must send the images of the incorrect product within the next 48 business hours of receiving the item, to the email, indicating in the subject the reason for the claim.

Once the Customer Service area receives the required documents and the data is corroborated, within 24 hours, the Reverse Logistics Guide will be sent so that the return can be made at a delivery point of the customer’s choice. The order will be scheduled for pickup.

Once the return process has been completed, the reordering will be carried out so that the customer receives the product with the required characteristics.

Legal Notice: The colors of the products may differ depending on the settings of each monitor/screen. No changes will be made for this reason.


All content included or made available to the User on the Site, including text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio files, digital downloads and any other information (the “Content”), is the property of LIFE PRODUCTS. or has been licensed to you by the Supplier Companies. The compilation of the Content is the exclusive property of LIFE PRODUCTS and, in this sense, the User must refrain from extracting and/or reusing parts of the Content without the prior and express consent of the Company.

In addition to the Content, the brands, word or figurative, service marks, industrial designs and any other element of intellectual property that is part of the Content (the “Industrial Property”), are the property of PRODUCTOS LIFE or the Supplier Companies and, For this reason, they cannot be used by Users in connection with any product or service that is not provided by LIFE PRODUCTS. In the same sense, the Industrial Property may not be used by Users in connection with any product and service other than those marketed or offered by LIFE PRODUCTS, or in a way that causes confusion with its customers or that discredits the Company or the Supplier Companies.


PRODUCTOS LIFE is a law-abiding store and does not intend to take advantage of the reputation of third parties, appropriating the intellectual property protected by them. Taking into account the above, if you suspect that any product found on our page infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties or infringes rights legally protected by you, please notify us to immediately remove such products from our page and initiate all relevant actions to prevent this from continuing to happen.


LIFE PRODUCTS will do everything possible within its capabilities to ensure that the transmission of the Site is uninterrupted and error-free. However, given the nature of the Internet, such conditions cannot be guaranteed. In the same sense, the User’s access to the Account may occasionally be restricted or suspended in order to carry out repairs, maintenance or introduce new Services.


This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is declared illegal, or is void, or for any reason is inapplicable, it must be interpreted within the framework thereof and in any case will not affect the validity and applicability of the remaining provisions.


Any comment, concern or claim regarding the previous Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, or the execution of any of these, must be notified in writing to PRODUCTOS LIFE to the following email:


Thank you for accessing the website (the “Site”) operated by PRODUCTOS LIFE. We respect your privacy and personal information.

Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and (under certain conditions) disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy also explains the measures we have taken to secure your personal information. Finally, this privacy policy explains the procedures we follow regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data.

Data protection is a matter of trust and privacy, which is why it is important to us. Therefore, we will only use your name and information, under the terms provided in our Privacy Policy.

We will only keep your information for as long as we are required to do so by law or due to the relevance of the purposes for which they were collected.

You can visit the site and browse without having to provide personal data. During your visit, you will remain anonymous and at no time will we be able to identify you.


Acceptance of cookies is not a requirement to visit the Site. However, we would like to point out that the use of the “my cart” functionality and accepting an order is only possible with the activation of cookies. Cookies are small text files that identify your computer to our server as a unique user. Cookies can be used to recognize your Internet Protocol address, saving you time while you are on the Site or if you want to log in again. We only use cookies for your convenience in using the site and not to obtain or use any other information about you. (for example, segmented or hidden advertising). Your browser can be configured not to accept cookies, but this may restrict its use and limit your experience within the site. The use of cookies does not contain or affect personal or private data and does not represent a virus threat. For more information about cookies, go to or for information about deleting them from your browser, go to .


We have technical and security measures in place to prevent unauthorized or illegal access, or accidental loss, destruction or damage to your information. When data is collected through the Site, this procedure is carried out through a secure server. We use protection programs on our servers. Although it is not possible to guarantee the achievement of a result, these systems have proven to be effective in managing confidential information and have mechanisms that prevent access by external threats (i.e. hackers).

It is recommended that in the case of making payments with a debit or credit card, they be made only with our contracting company, EPAYCO-DAVIVIENDA, since they have all the physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in relation to the collection, storage and disclosure of your information. ensuring you a reliable and secure payment. Our security procedures require that we may occasionally ask you for proof of identity before disclosing personal information. Please note that you are solely responsible for protecting against unauthorized access to your password and your computer.


Taking into account the above, Personal data will be used by LIFE PRODUCTS to:

a) Provide required services and products.

b) Inform about new products or services that are related or not to the one contracted or acquired by the Owner.

c) Comply with obligations contracted with the Owner.

d) Inform about changes in products or services.

e) Evaluate the quality of products or services.

f) Develop marketing or promotional activities.

g) Send to physical, electronic mail, cell phone or mobile device, – via text messages (SMS and/or MMS) commercial, advertising or promotional information about products and/or services, events and/or promotions of a commercial or non-commercial nature. in order to promote, invite, direct, execute, inform and, in general, carry out campaigns, promotions or contests of a commercial or advertising nature.

h) Sharing, including the transfer and transmission of personal data to third parties for purposes related to the operation of PRODUCTOS LIFE.

i) Carry out internal studies on compliance with commercial relations and market studies at all levels.

j) Respond to legal requirements from administrative and judicial entities.


The Holders of Personal Data may at any time request from the Data Controller what information about them is kept, as well as request the updating, ratification or deletion of said information, using the means described in number 7 of this policy. Additionally, they may revoke the authorization granted.

The request for deletion of information and revocation of authorization will not proceed when the Owner has a legal, contractual or commercial duty to remain in the database.

To this end, the Owner of the information through the different means predetermined by PRODUCTOS LIFE in section 7. He will make the claim indicating his identification number, contact information and providing the pertinent documentation that he intends to assert. If PRODUCTOS LIFE estimates that for the analysis of the request more information is required from the Owner, it will proceed to communicate such situation. After two (2) months from the date of the request, without the applicant presenting the required information, it will be understood that she has abandoned the claim.

The maximum term to address the claim will be fifteen (15) business days counted from the day following the date of receipt. When it is not possible to attend to it within said term, the interested party will be informed before the expiration of the aforementioned period of the reasons for the delay and the date on which their claim will be attended to, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term.


PRODUCTOS LIFE will adopt the technical, human and administrative measures that are necessary to provide security to the records, preventing their adulteration, loss, consultation, use or unauthorized or fraudulent access. These measures will respond to the minimum requirements made by current legislation and their effectiveness will be periodically evaluated.

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